
学術奨励賞は、1995年に「医学に関する研究分野において学問の進歩に寄与すると認められる優秀な研究に対して学術奨励賞を授与し、将来の一層の飛躍を期待する」事を掲げ、 学内外で活躍している卒業生を表彰することを目的に創設されました。




青野 祐也氏青野 祐也氏
岩倉 考政氏岩倉 考政氏
坂口 公祥氏坂口 公祥氏
辻 尚子氏辻 尚子氏
回 / 年度
第 1 回 1996年
  • 小林 浩氏(医学科1期生)Inhibitory effect of a conjugate between human urokinase and urinary trypsin inhibitor on tumor cell invasion in vitro. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 270:8361-8366,1995.
  • 松七五三 仁氏(医学科3期生)Identification and properties of an atypical catalytic subunit (p34PSK-J3/cdk4) for mammarian D type G1 cyclins. Cell 71:323-334,1992.
  • 八木 宏明氏(医学科9期生)TCRV beta7+Th2 cells mediate UVB-induced supression of murine contact photosensitivity by releasing IL-10. The Journal of Immunology 156:1824-1831,1996.
第 2 回 1997年
  • 鈴木 昌八氏(医学科2期生)Role of kupffer cells and the spleen in modulation of endotoxin-induced liver injury after partial hepatectomy. Hepatology 24:219-225,1996.
  • 竹下 明裕氏(医学科3期生)Successful treatment of relapse of acute promyclocytic leukemia with a new synthetic retinoid, Am80. Annals of Internal Medicine 124:893-896,1996.
  • 野入 英世氏(医学科8期生)In vivo targeting of inducible NO synthase with oligodeoxynucleotides protects rat kidney against ischemia. The Journal of Clinical Investigation 97:2377-2383,1996.
  • 馬場 聡氏(医学科6期生)Serum amyloid A polymorphism and AA-amyloidosis ―― a newly identified SAA1 γ is a risk factor for AA-amyloidosis ――注)この論文は受賞者が発表した3つの論文をもとに賞の為に出筆したものである。
  • 横田 尚樹氏(医学科3期生)Predominant expression of human zic in cerebellar granule cell lineage and medulloblastoma. Cancer Research 56:377-383,1996.
第 3 回 1998年
  • 新井 冨生氏(医学科5期生)Comparative alterations in p53 expression and apoptosis in the irradiated rat small and large intestine. British Journal of Cancer 74:406-412,1996.
  • 川口 博之氏(医学科8期生)In vivo gene transfection of human endothelial cell nitric oxide synthase in cardiomyocytes causes apoptosis-like cell death. Circulation 95:2441-2447,1997.
  • 近藤 一直氏(医学科11期生)Suppression of intimal hyperplasia by a 5-lipoxygenase inhibitor, MK-886: Studies with a photochemical model of endothelial injury. Thrombosis and Haemostasis 79:635-639,1998.
  • 船内 正憲氏(医学科1期生)Defects in antigen-driven lymphocyte responses in common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) are due to reduction in the number of antigen-specific CD4+ T cells. Clinical and Experimental Immunology 101:82-88,1995.
  • 宮川 正氏(医学科14期生)"Facilitated" amino acid transport is upregulated in brain tumors. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 18:500-509,1998.
第 4 回 1999年
  • 勝見 章氏(医学科10期生)Protein C Nagoya, an elongated mutant of protein C, is retained within the endoplasmic reticulum and is associated with GRP78 and GRP94. Blood 87:4164-4175,1996.
  • 田中 正光氏(医学科8期生)Interaction of EphB2-tyrosine kinase receptor and its ligand conveys dorsalization signal in Xenopus Laevis development. Oncogene 17:1509-1516,1998.
  • 夛田 浩氏(医学科6期生)Usefulness of electron-beam computed tomography in arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia. Relationship to electrophysiological abnormalities and left ventricular involvement. Circulation 94:437-444,1996.
  • 戸倉 新樹氏(医学科3期生)Cross-reactivity in murine fluoroquinolone photoallergy: exclusive usage of TCR Vbeta13 by immune T cells that recognize fluoroquinolone-Photomodified cells. The Journal of Immunology 160:3719-3728,1998.
  • 渡邉 裕司氏(大学院医学科5期生)An essential role of myosin light-chain kinase in the regulation of agonist- and fluid flow-stimulated Ca2+ influx in endothelial cells. FASEB Journal 12:341-348,1998.
第 5 回 2000年
  • 清川 悦子氏(医学科14期生)Activation of Racl by a Crk SH3-binding protein DOCK180. Genes & Development. 12:3331-3336,1998.
  • 佐藤 知行氏(医学科6期生)Functional perineal colostomy with pudendal nerve anastomosis following anorectal resection: an experimental study. Surgery 119:641-651,1996.
  • 滝 智彦氏(大学院医学科14期生)AF5q31, a newly identified AF4-related gene, is fused to MLL in infant acute lymphoblastic leukemia with ins(5;11)(q31;q13q23). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 96:14535-14540,1999.
  • 玉木 敬二氏(医学科4期生)Extremely complex repeat shuffling during germline mutation at human minisatellite B6.7. Human Molecular Genetics 8:879-888,1999.
  • 最上 秀夫氏(医学科5期生)Ca2+ flow via tunnels in polarized cells: recharging of apical Ca2+ stores by focal Ca2+ entry through basal membrane patch. Cell 88:49-55,1997.
第 6 回 2001年
  • 伊熊 睦博氏(医学科7期生)Regulation of CFTR C1-channel gating by ATP binding and hydrolysis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 97:8675-8680,2000.
  • 小杉 伊三夫氏(医学科6期生)Cytomegalovirus infection of the central nervous system stem cells from mouse embryo: a model for developmental brain disorders induced by cytomegalovirus. Laboratory Investigation 80:1373-1383,2000.
  • 佐藤 洋氏(医学科6期生)KB-R7943 block of Ca(2+) Influx via Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchange does not alter twitches or glycoside inotropy but prevents Ca(2+) overload in rat ventricular myocytes. Circulation 101:1441-1446,2000.
第 7 回 2002年
  • 海野 直樹氏(大学院医学科6期生)Association of a G994→T missense mutation in the plasma platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase gene with risk of abdominal aortic aneurysm in Japanese. Annals of Surgery 235:297-302,2002.
  • 大月 寛郎氏(医学科19期生)Tumor metastasis suppressor nm23H1 regulates rac1 GTPase by interaction with Tiam1. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 98:4385-4390,2001.
  • 小谷 仁人氏(医学科10期生)The metastasis suppressor gene KiSS-1 encodes kisspeptins, the natural ligands of the orphan G protein-coupled receptor GPR54. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 276:34631-34646,2001.
  • 坪井 貴司氏(大学院医学科18期生)Simultaneous evanescent wave imaging of insulin vesicle membrane and cargo during a single exocytotic event. Current Biology 10:1307-1310,2000.
  • 増井 孝之氏(医学科9期生)Changes in myometrial and junctional zone thickness and signal intensity: demonstration with kinematic T2-weighted MR imaging. Radiology 221:75-85,2001.
第 8 回 2003年
  • 小川 法良氏(医学科6期生)Involvement of the interferon-gamma-induced T cell-attracting chemokines, interferon-gamma-inducible 10-kd protein(CXCL10) and monokine induced by interferon-gamma(CXCL9), in the salivary grand lesions of patients with Sjögreń́s syndrome. Arthritis and Rheumatism 46:2730-2741,2002.
  • 瀬尾 尚宏氏(準会員)Percutaneous peptide immunization via corneum barrier-disrupted murine skin for experimental tumor immunoprophylaxis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 97:371-376,2000.
  • 高山 達也氏(医学科14期生)Control of oxalate formation from L- hydroxyproline in liver mitochondria. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 14:939-946,2003.
  • 橋爪 秀夫氏(医学科7期生)Characterization of drug-specific T Cells in phenobarbital-induced eruption. The Journal of Immunology. 168:5359-5368,2002.
  • 山根 禎一氏(医学科7期生)Electrogram polarity reversal as an additional indicator of breakthroughs from the left atrium to the pulmonary veins. Journal of The American College of Cardiology 39:1337-1344,2002.
第 9 回 2004年
  • 加藤 明彦氏(医学科6期生)Impact of carotid atherosclerosis on long-term mortality in chronic hemodialysis patients. Kidney International 64:1472-1479,2003.
  • 北山 康彦氏(医学科8期生)Nonrandom chromosomal numerical abnormality predicting prognosis of gastric cancer: a retrospective study of 51 cases using pathology archives.
    Laboratory Investigation 83:1311-1320,2003.
  • 鈴木 浩一氏(医学科9期生)The genomic damage estimated by arbitrarily primed PCR DNA fingerprinting is useful for the prognosis of gastric cancer. Gastroenterology 125:1330-1340,2003.
第 10 回 2005年
  • 井垣 弘康氏(医学科7期生)Improved survival for patients with upper and/or middle mediastinal lymph node metastasis of squamous cell carcinoma of the lower thoracic esophagus treated with 3-Field dissection. Annals of Surgery 239:483-490,2004.
  • 加藤 秀樹氏(医学科9期生)Diazoxide opens the mitochondrial permeability transition pore and alters Ca2+ transients in rat ventricular myocytes. Circulation 105:2666-2671,2002.
  • 金岡 繁氏(医学科8期生)Potential usefulness of detecting cyclooxygenase 2 messenger RNA in feces for colorectal cancer screening. Gastroenterology 127:422-427,2004.
  • 神谷 厚範氏(医学科15期生)Muscle sympathetic nerve activity averaged over 1 minute parallels renal and cardiac sympathetic nerve activity in response to a forced baroreceptor pressure change. Circulation 112:384-386,2005.
第 11 回 2006年
  • 佐原 直日氏(医学科15期生)Role for interleukin-6 and insulin-like growth factor- I via PI3-K/Akt pathway in the proliferation of CD56- and CD56+ multiple myeloma cells.
    Experimental Hematology 34:736-744,2006.
第 12 回 2007年
  • 深見 真紀氏(医学科11期生)CXorf 6 is a causative gene for hypospadias. Nature Genetics 38:1369-1371, 2006.
  • 杉本 光繁氏(大学院医学科23期生)Initial 48-hour acid inhibition by intravenous infusion of omeprazole, famotidine, or both in relation to cytochrome P450 2C19 genotype status.
    Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 80:539-548,2006.
  • 山本 淳考氏(医学科17期生)Monitoring of singlet oxygen is useful for predicting the photodynamic effects in the treatment for experimental glioma. Clinical Cancer Research 12:7132-7139,2006.
第 13 回 2008年
  • 松井 啓隆氏(医学科16期生)Cytokines direct the regulation of Bim mRNA stability by heat-shock cognate protein 70. Molecular Cell 25:99-112,2007.
  • 中村 祐太郎氏(医学科14期生)Helper function of memory CD8+T cells: heterologous CD8+T cells support the induction of therapeutic cancer immunity. Cancer Research 67:10012-10018,2007.
  • 河崎 秀陽氏(医学科16期生)Cyclosporine inhibits mouse cytomegalovirus infection via a cyclophilin-dependent pathway specifically in neural stem/progenitor cells. Journal of Virology 81:9013-9023,2007.
第 14 回 2009年
  • 藤田 陽太氏(医学科15期生)Priming of centromere for CENP-A recruitment by human hMis18alpha,hMis18beta,and M18BP1. Developmental Cell 12:17-30,2007.
  • 新村 和也氏(医学科15期生)Induction of centrosome amplification and chromosome instability in p53-deficient lung cancer cells exposed to benzo[a]pyrene diol epoxide(B[a]PDE). The Journal of Pathology 216:365-374,2008.
  • 鈴木 優子氏(医学科14期生)Unique secretory dynamics of tissue plasminogen activator and its modulation by plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 in vascular endothelial cells. Blood 113:470-478,2009.
  • 貝田 勇介氏(医学科20期生)The CYP2A6*4 allele is determinant of S-1 pharmacokinetics in Japanese patients with non-small-cell lung cancer. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 83:589-594,2008.
第 15 回 2010年
  • 川田 一仁氏(医学科20期生)Enhanced hepatic Nrf2 activation after ursodeoxycholic acid treatment in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis. Antioxidants & Redox Signaling 13:259-268,2010.
  • 早乙女 雅夫氏(医学科16期生)Bidirectional Ca2+dependent control of mitochondrial dynamics by the Miro GTPase. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 105:20728-20733,2008.
  • 杉本 健氏(医学科14期生)IL-22 ameliorates intestinal inflammation in a mouse model of ulcerative colitis. The Journal of Clinical Investigation 118:534-544,2008.
  • 藤澤 朋幸氏(医学科18期生)Regulation of airway MUC5AC expression by IL-1beta and IL-17A; the NF-kappaB paradigm. The Journal of Immunology 183:6236-6243,2009.
第 16 回 2011年
  • 岩泉 守哉氏(医学科20期生)Human Sgo1 downregulation leads to chromosomal instability in colorectal cancer. Gut 58:249-260,2009.
  • 豊田 博紀氏(大学院医学科20期生)Protein Kinase G dynamically modulates TASK1-mediated leak K+ currents in cholinergic neurons of the basal forebrain. The Journal of Neuroscience 30:5677-5689,2010.
第 17 回 2012年
  • 大橋 温氏(医学科17期生)Glomerular angiotensinogen is induced in mesangial cells in diabetic rats via reactive oxygen species-ERK/JNK pathways. Hypertension Research 33:1174-1181,2010.
  • 奥川 周氏(医学科19期生)Lipoprotein biosynthesis by prolipoprotein diacylglyceryl transferase is required for efficient spore germination and full virulence of Bacillus anthracis. Molecular Microbiology 83:96-109,2012.
  • 中西 啓氏(医学科24期生)Novel USH2A mutations in Japanese Usher syndorome type 2 patients: marked differnences in the mutation spectrum between the Japanese and other populations. Journal of Human Genetics 56:484-490,2011.
第 18 回 2013年
  • 大場 健司氏(医学科22期生)GATA2 mediates thyrotropin-releasing hormone-induced transcriptional activation of the thyrotropin β gene. PLoS ONE 6:e18667,2011.
  • 齊藤 岳児氏(医学科19期生)Comparison of left ventricular outflow geometry and aortic valve area in patients with aortic stenosis by 2-dimensional versus 3-dimensional echocardiography. The American Journal of Cardiology 109:1626-1631,2012.
  • 三戸部 治郎氏(医学科16期生)RodZ regulates the post-transcriptional processing of the Shigella sonnei type Ⅲ secretion system. EMBO reports 12:911-916,2011.
第 19 回 2014年
  • 乾 直輝氏(医学科14期生)Chronological effects of rifampicin discontinuation on cytochrome P450 activity in healthy Japanese volunteers, using the cocktail method. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeatics 94:702-708,2013.
  • 岩城 孝行氏(医学科17期生)Life-threatening hemorrhage and prolonged wound healing are remarkable phenotypes manifested by complete plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 deficiency in humans. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis 9:1200-1206, 2011.
  • 森田 剛文氏(医学科23期生)Lysophosphatidylcholine acyltransferase 1 altered phospholipid composition and regulated hepatoma progression. Journal of Hepatology 59:292-299, 2013.
第 20 回 2015年
  • 祝迫 惠子氏(医学科20期生)Origin of myofibroblasts in the fibrotic liver in mice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 111:E3297-3305,2014.
  • 佐藤 亮介氏(医学科25期生)Exposure of drugs for hypertension, diabetes, and autoimmune disease during pregnancy and perinatal outcomes: an investigation of the regulator in Japan. Medicine 94:e386,2015.
  • 永田 絵子氏(医学科24期生)Japanese founder duplications/triplications involving BHLHA9 are associated with split-hand/foot malformation with or without long bone deficiency and Gollop-Wolfgang complex. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases 9:125,2014.
第 21 回 2016年
  • 柄山 正人氏(医学科23期生)Maintenance therapy with pemetrexed and bevacizumab versus pemetrexed monotherapy after induction therapy with carboplatin, pemetrexed, and bevacizumab in patients with advanced non-squamous non-small-cell lung cancer. European Journal of Cancer. 58:30-37,2016.
  • 鈴木 勇三氏(医学科23期生)Lack of autophagy induces steroid-resistant airway inflammation. The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 137:1382-1389,2016.
  • 龍野 一樹氏(医学科25期生)TSLP directly interacts with skin-homing Th2 cells highly expressing its receptor to enhance IL-4 production in atopic dermatitis. The Journal of Investigative dermatology 135:3017-3024,2015.
第 22 回 2017年
  • 井上 裕介氏(大学院医学科34期生)Clinical significance of PD-L1 and PD-L2 copy number gains in non-small-cell lung cancer. Oncotarget 7:32113-32128,2016.
  • 夏目 統氏(医学科27期生)Two-step egg introduction for prevention of egg allergy in high-risk infants with eczema (PETIT): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Lancet 389:276-286,2017.
  • 藤山 俊晴氏(医学科24期生)Topical application of a vitamin D3 analogue and corticosteroid to psoriasis plaques decreases skin infiltration of Th17 cells and their ex vivo expansion. The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 138:517-528,2016.
  • 三澤 清氏(医学科16期生)Prognostic value of aberrant promoter hypermethylation of tumor-related genes in early-stage head and neck cancer. Oncotarget 7:26087-26098,2016.
第 23 回 2018年
  • 大村 威夫氏(医学科17期生)Robust axonal regeneration occurs in the injured CAST/Ei mouse CNS.Neuron 86:1215-1227,2015
  • 鏡 卓馬氏(医学科26期生)Comparative study of effects of vonoprazan and esomeprazole on antiplatelet function of clopiodogrel or prasugrel in relation to CYP2C19 genotype.Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 103:906-913,2018
  • 千田 剛士氏(大学院医学科35期生)Critical role of CREBH-mediated induction of transforming growth factor β2 by hepatitis C virus infection in fibrogenic rsponse in hepatic stellate cells.Hepatology 66:1430-1443,2017
  • 西本 幸司氏(医学科29期生)Relationship between fraction of exhaled nitric oxide and airway morphology assesed by three-dimensional CT analysis in asthma.Scientific Reports 7:10187,2017
第 24 回 2019年
  • 榎本 泰典氏(大学院医学科36期生)LTBP2 is secreted from lung myofibroblasts and is a potential biomarker for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.Clinical Science 132:1565-1580,2018
  • 丹羽 充氏(大学院医学科36期生)IL-17A attenuates IFN-λ expression by inducing suppressor of cytokine signaling expression in airway epithelium.The Journal of Immunology 201:2392-2402,2018
  • 安井 秀樹氏(医学科24期生)Early coagulation events induce acute lung injury in a rat model of blunt traumatic brain injury.American Journal of Physiology, Lung cellular and Molecular Physiology 311:74-86,2016.
第 25 回 2020年
  • 神尾 佳宣氏(医学科28期生)Roles of nicotine in the development of intracranial aneurysm rupture. Stroke 49:2445-2452,2018
  • 鈴木 聡氏(医学科26期生)
    MBD4 frameshift mutation caused by DNA mismatch repair deficiency enhances cytotoxicity by trifluridine, an active antitumor agent of TAS-102, in colorectal cancer cells. Oncotarget 9:11477-11488,2017
  • 寺田 達弘氏(医学科22期生)In vivo mitochondrial and glycolytic impairments in patients with Alzheimer disease. Neurology.94:e1592-e1604,2020
  • 吉村 克洋氏(医学科29期生)Elucidation of the relationships of MET protein expression and gene copy number status with PD-L1 expression and the immune microenvironment in non-small cell lung cancer. Lung Cancer 141:21-31,2020
第 26 回 2021年
  • 大橋 瑠子氏(医学科22期生)Frequent germline and somatic single nucleotide variants in the promoter region of the ribosomal RNA gene in Japanese lung adenocarcinoma patients. Cells 9:2409, 2020.
  • 佐竹 栄一郎氏(医学科22期生)
    Circulating miRNA profiles associated with hyperglycemia in patients with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes 67:1013-1023, 2018.
  • 諏訪 賢一郎氏(医学科25期生)Early changes of pulmonary arterial hemodynamics in patients with systemic sclerosis: flow pattern, WSS, and OSI analysis with 4D flow MRI. European Radiology 31:4253-4263, 2021.
  • 三崎 太郎氏(医学科20期生)Presence of streptococcus mutans strains harbouring the cnm gene correlates with dental caries status and IgA nephropathy conditions. Scientific Reports 6:36455, 2016.
  • 横倉 正倫氏(医学科26期生)In vivo imaging of dopamine D1 receptor and activated microglia in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a positron emission tomography study. Molecular Psychiatry 2020.
第 27 回 2022年
  • 浅野 有希子氏(大学院医学研究科39期生)Fibrin-mediated growth restriction of early-stage human trophoblasts is switched to growth promotion through fibrinolysis. Human Reproduction 36:3108-3121, 2021.
  • 小谷内 敬史氏(医学科32期生)
    Quality of dying and death in patients with interstitial lung disease compared with lung cancer: an observational study. Thorax 76:248-255, 2021.
  • 土屋 一夫氏(医学科31期生)M6A demethylase ALKBH5 promotes tumor cell proliferation by destabilizing IGF2BPs target genes and worsens the prognosis of patients with non-small-cell lung cancer. Cancer Gene Therapy doi: 10.1038/s41417-022-00451-8, 2022.
  • 穂積 宏尚氏(医学科23期生)Clinical significance of cold-inducible RNA-binding protein in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Chest 160:2149-2157, 2021.
  • 村山 千尋氏(医学科33期生)Extrastriatal dopamine D2/3 receptor binding, functional connectivity, and autism socio-communicational deficits: a PET and fMRI study. Molecular Psychiatry 27:2106-2113,2022.
第 28 回 2023年
  • 青野 祐也氏(医学科32期生)CD109 on dendritic cells regulates airway hyperreactivity and eosinophilic airway inflammation. American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology 68:201-212, 2023.
  • 岩倉 考政氏(医学科26期生)
    Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitor teneligliptin accelerates recovery from cisplatin-induced acute kidney injury by attenuating inflammation and promoting tubular regeneration. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 34:1669-1680, 2019.
  • 坂口 公祥氏(医学科23期生)Nationwide study of pediatric B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia with chromosome 8q24/MYC rearrangement in Japan. Pediatric Blood & Cancer 67:e28341,2020.
  • 辻 尚子氏(医学科28期生)BAM15 treats mouse sepsis and kidney injury, linking mortality, mitochondrial DNA, tubule damage, and neutrophils. The Journal of Clinical Investigation 133:e152401, 2023.